For details of meeting in-person or online, please join our mailing list here.
Weekly online meeting
We meet online each Monday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Please arrive before 7.25 pm. Once you sign up for our email list, you will receive the Zoom link in our monthly newsletter.
Monthly in-person meetings
We meet in person twice a month at Litton Village Hall - 3 Church Lane, Litton, Derbyshire SK17 8RA Map
On the last Saturday of each month - Arrival is between 9:30 am and 10:20 am when there is a silent sit; our formal practice is from 10:30-12:00 pm, followed by refreshments.
We also meet on the second Thursday of each month - Arrival is by 7.25 pm and we start at 7.30–9 pm at Litton Village Hall.
Meeting format
- The usual format of our meetings is to begin with introductions and a brief “check-in”. Then led by facilitators from our sangha, we enjoy a guided meditation, a period of walking meditation or movement then a silent meditation, each of 15 - 20 minutes.
- Next we read from one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books. On Mondays we read a little of our current book.
- We finish with mindful dharma sharing. This is an opportunity to share from the heart ~ although there is no obligation to do so.
- Sharing mindfully might be about something that has arisen from the meditation, the reading or anything that is on top for you. This is an opportunity to listen deeply to others, giving them our full attention without comment or response.
- If no one chooses to share, then we may have periods of silence.
Donations / Dana
There is no charge to attend our sangha meetings, which are offered by volunteers.
When attending an in-person sangha, we simply ask that, if you can afford it, a small donation be made towards the hall hire costs (£4-5).
When attending a Zoom sangha, you are invited to offer a small donation to the Plum Village monastics. A donation of even a few pounds is appreciated. You can donate to Plum Village here.